I'm an Ecuadorian Product Designer interested on applying my carrier studies to the film industry (objects’ languages and Its interaction between users -expectator and actor- and the other components of a movie production –photography, acting, sounds-). Since 2008 I've been woking in the filmaking industry as part of the Production Design team, from being a prop’s designer to become the head of the department (Art Director), passing by costume and make up design, set design, environmental construction, conceptualization, assistenship, etc). Nowadays I am making my MA in Performance Design and Practice at Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design (UAL), learning how to create and develop diverse Performance Pieces in regards to my willings of experimenting new work possibilities and taking a step forward in my professional development.
As a Product Designer and on my way to become an Art Director / Production Designer I had the chance to work and experiment with different materials, processes and techniques that I had applied to the configuration of the projects I’ve been involved, first as a student and later on as a professional. This projects almost all the time were developed inter and multi disciplinaryly and in a complex way of creations which most of the times included being part of big production teams. Eeach process had been develop based on previous research of references and practices that heads to the finding of new forms and aesthetics that permit to generate a design concept in which regards the product would be developed. These experiences had allowed me to internalize many diferent methods and practices and try to improve them day by day as part of a countinuous learning process which continuously creates new abilities and enhance oldest ones. I really enjoy to have as part of my dayli life.
I hope you like it.