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M.E.A.T.T. (Meating Everyone Around The Table)
Live Performance Project / Immersive theatre piece
(Short film post-production/edition in process)
Exploring personal fears (London UK- 2014)
MA Performance Design and Practice. Central Saint Martins. UAL.
Performance created and developed by: Daniela Sánchez B.
With the collaboration of: LIVE PERFORMANCE Kerry Wang (live performance ligting and assisting direction), Antonies Melicases (Concept Develpment Support), Andi Chu (Technical Support), Santiago Sánchez (sound correction). VIDEO: Rios O'Leary-Tagiuri (performer) Bethany Sumner (fotography) Humberto Pérez and Andi Chu (sound), Carolina Caro (Assistanship) Danny Gudmunsson (Ligntings)

M.E.A.T. Poster
M.E.A.T.T. Performance Piece by Daniela Sánchez Photography by Bethany Sumner Graphic Design by Amelia Molina

M.E.A.T. Poster
M.E.A.T.T. Performance Piece by Daniela Sánchez Photography by Bethany Sumner Graphic Design by Amelia Molina
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