Sketches and Models Proposal Design by Daniela Sánchez B.

Scenography B proposal for the play "Peter and the Wolf" written by Sergey Prokofiev Design and models by Daniela Sánchez B.

Scenography B proposal for the play "Peter and the Wolf" written by Sergey Prokofiev Design and models by Daniela Sánchez B.

Scenography B proposal for the play "Peter and the Wolf" written by Sergey Prokofiev Design and models by Daniela Sánchez B.

Scenography B proposal for the play "Peter and the Wolf" written by Sergey Prokofiev Design and models by Daniela Sánchez B.

Scenography B proposal for the play "Peter and the Wolf" written by Sergey Prokofiev Design and models by Daniela Sánchez B.

Scenography B proposal for the play "Peter and the Wolf" written by Sergey Prokofiev Design and models by Daniela Sánchez B.

Scenography B proposal for the play "Peter and the Wolf" written by Sergey Prokofiev Design and models by Daniela Sánchez B.

Scenography B proposal for the play "Peter and the Wolf" written by Sergey Prokofiev Design and models by Daniela Sánchez B.

Scenography B proposal for the play "Peter and the Wolf" written by Sergey Prokofiev Design and models by Daniela Sánchez B.

Scenography B proposal for the play "Peter and the Wolf" written by Sergey Prokofiev Design and models by Daniela Sánchez B.

Scenography B proposal for the play "Peter and the Wolf" written by Sergey Prokofiev Design and models by Daniela Sánchez B.

Scenography B proposal for the play "Peter and the Wolf" written by Sergey Prokofiev Design and models by Daniela Sánchez B.
PETER AND THE WOLF (Pedro y el lobo)
Play by Sergey Prokodiev, 1936
Theather Design Worshop (Costume)
Product Design, Ponthifical Catholic University of Ecuador, 2007